We all need a next step to being more like Jesus.
Our best isn’t good enough—but God’s grace is!
During this four-week series, elementary students will learn that God loves us so much that He doesn’t give us the punishment we deserve for our sins. Instead, He gives us new life, freedom from sin, and changes us completely through His Holy Spirit when we accept the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross. That is great news!
Unfortunately, culture perpetuates lies that keep us from reaching freely for God’s grace. The teachings of humanism center on humanity as the ultimate good, but that’s not true. We are all sinners. There is no one good, not even one. And relativism tries to convince us that we are fine, as long as we are authentic and we follow what we believe in our hearts to be true. But the heart is deceitful above all else and takes us far from God if we haven’t been transformed by Jesus. We ALL need God’s grace. Every single one of us.
The win for HillsideKids is simply this: Being more like Jesus today than we were yesterday!
For your kids' safety, parent's must check their kids out.Questions? Contact the church at (810) 793-6492 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hillside Students meet Wednesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm We focus on three key things:
Teaching students to lead: This helps them to identify the impact they want to have.
Teaching students to understand themselves: This helps move their identity to Christ.
Teaching them to share the Gospel clearly: This helps them to BE the church.
Circles are about sitting around a table and discussing God's Word together. The purpose of knowing God's Word is to then go live on mission.
Wednesday Nights 5:30pm: Meal together, Circle starting at 6:30 at Hillside.
Everyone needs a next step to being more like Jesus. Developing a Spiritual Growth plan is critical to that. Click Here for a document that will help you take the next step to being more like Jesus.
Choose Jesus
We need to admit that we are a sinner, by believing that God raised Jesus from the dead. Once you make this choice, seek to be baptized, showing publicly the decision you made.
Create a plan
We get what we plan for. Anything importan in our lives we create a plan. A spirutal growth plan does not need to be complicated. It doesn't need to long. It just needs to you get to the next step to being like Jesus.
Find cheerleaders
Join a circle or Bible study. We need people in our life who will help us grow, show us where we need to grow, and will cheer us on when we do!
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